Covid-19 has us all thinking about our own mortality, families are thinking about what happens to my family if I die too soon. Unfortunately, most families only own life insurance through their employer, yet we cannot depend on life insurance on our jobs because our jobs are not guaranteed and, usually they will not provide enough life insurance coverage to: leave your family the ability to pay all the expenses that you were covering for them while alive and leave them a legacy. In the Holy Quran, Surah Baqarah 2:240 states that, “husbands that die with a wife left behind to bequest maintenance for at least 1 year”. We must make sure our family can sustain whether we are living or returned back to Allah, it’s our duty. Life insurance is the best way to do that because it provides an instant estate for your heirs, think about it, when most people want to leave their families houses, why not leave them MONEY, which will pay for the homes and other items. Term life insurance is the best way to accomplish this, it’s low cost which makes it easier to purchase larger amounts to be able to leave generational wealth, it’s pure insurance and works like your car/home insurance because you’re only paying for protection. I always say, “Death is the only Guarantee in life and Life insurance is the cheapest insurance you can buy, because you get to name your own price”. Let’s make sure we are gifting from the grave as our family is gifting us with dua’a from earth. My Salaams Helena ClemonsHelena Clemons is a native of Brooklyn, NY; where she has resided in Atlanta, GA for the past 15 years; and has been state licensed in Life & Health insurance and a Financial Coach for 20 years. She’s been happily married for 25 years and has 4 adult children. Helena and her family also run a family business MBGW GLOBAL LLC of which she is the CEO/CFO: their focus is business development, real estate, health initiatives and novelties that make a statement. She dedicates her time educating families about business, wealth generation and credit repair, as she truly believes in group economics and community empowerment.
Its important to recognize that this pandemic has been a trial that Allah has placed on us during this time. As such marriages will be tested. Tests can make a relationship stronger or no longer. The quality of the pre-pandemic relationship can be the determining factor of how a marriage will sustain itself while we shelter in place. The couples who have a healthy loving relationship during normal times will not have any difficulty spending quality time with their mates during these times. Many who marry take the ayat from Allah to heart where he stated "They (your wives) are a clothing (covering) for you and you too are a clothing (covering) for them." (Surah 2, Verse187) I view this ayat from the perspective that clothing serves as a protection for us against the elements, similarly marriage serves as a protection from many psychological, physical, and spiritual elements. We must be protective of one another in normal times, and especially so during this pandemic. We do not know how long the world will be in this present state of pandemia. Just as sickness is a means of expiation of sins we have to view the sickness that has enveloped the planet as a means of purification for the planet. With this in mind we have to practice patience with ourselves and with each other. How does the pandemic impact marriages? If we don’t manage our stress and anger it can cause toxicity to be present in the household. "And one of His signs is that He has created for you, spouses from amongst yourselves so that you might take comfort in them and He has placed between you, love and mercy. In this there is surely evidence (of the truth) for the people who carefully think." (Surah 30, Verse 21) We must work to dwell with our mates as Allah ordained in these ayats. We must work to identify means of maintaining tranquility during these times. Here are some suggestions that make weathering this pandemic bearable, and more pleasant: - Pray and fast, and study together more often. - Daily Communications with your spouse that includes active listening. - Allow the relationship to breathe. Take time for yourself, and spend time together. - Establish an exercise regiment individually or as a couple. (Ex. walks, meditation, working out.) - Date safely( Drive-In or movie night @ home, dining out at restaurants that observe pandemic protocols, board games, etc. Above all remember the five love languages as you interact with each other, and know each other’s love language. ( The pandemic can be an opportunity to strengthen your bond with your mate. Use the time that Allah has given us wisely; so that when it is lifted our love cups will be overflowing. “ The Best Of You Are Those Who Are Best To Their Women.” Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) Imam Nadim Sulaiman Ali, LPC,MAC 01/05/1442 A.H.- 08/24/2020 C.E. Nadim Ali LPC, MACBorn in Chester, Pa. Married father of 5. Imam of the Community Masjid of Atlanta since 2005. Former convener for the Majlis Ash-Shura of Atlanta. Founding member of MANA(Muslim Alliance Of North America) & current member of the MANA Diwan. Co- Founder of the Da’wah Ensemble Spoken Word Acappella Group. MA in Counseling Psychology, Georgia School Of Professional Psychology. Licensed Professional Counselor(LPC) & Master Addiction Counselor in private practice. Bismillah Twenty plus years ago, when we first got married, we sat down to write out our goals. Knowledge and experience was a thread all our goals had in common. We wanted to learn from and experience life, and we wanted the same for our children. Farming and homesteading wasn't forefront in our minds but we both came from families where farming/gardening/homestead type activities were just a part of living (even in the city). We’ve had a garden wherever we’ve lived (California, Sudan, Kuwait, Qatar, & Mexico). We’ve always educated our children at home and this allowed us to try and teach them some practical life skills/Sunnah along the way, while encouraging them to pursue and practice their own interest (woodworking, horseback riding, fiber arts, leatherworking, animal husbandry, mechanics, cooking, etc). We currently live in Oregon and moved here so that we could live on a larger property where our seven children could have space to grow, meet our needs via the land, and have enough to share with the community. We’ve yet to find that balance where we can have land and community. We are the only Muslims in our town. We realize as our children mature that being near a Muslim community is very important. We cannot teach them everything. It’s not easy to have a full time job and try and homestead. We do most things here by hand (milking the cow, harvesting hay, digging ponds, building, etc.) which we enjoy but also know that it’s labor intensive. It’s helped us all appreciate hard work and not take things for granted. When we slaughter our own meat, it’s an animal we’ve raised from birth and loved. It brings an appreciation for that meat that we’d never get from buying it, and it means that we eat a lot less meat! As a Black and Mexican family we are blessed to own our own property and have the opportunity and knowledge to farm and homeschool our children. We get to see a lot of things come full circle here. Even with all our trial and error it’s nice to know how much grass we need to scythe to have enough hay for the winter. It is comforting to know that the hard work of canning and dehydrating in the summer can feed us through the cold months. We feel that, through this lifestyle, we continue to gain knowledge and experience that keep us grounded. Homesteading has included a lot of trail and error, and we learned an immense amount from that. We’ve built, torn down, and moved many gardens, fences and structures. We’ve learned to be a lot more flexible with our vision and timetable. Sometimes we’ve had to slow down or stop when major things happen (like births or moving). We’ve also tried to decolonize our homesteading practices, which includes studying the knowledge of our ancestors who were caretakers of the earth. We want to revitalize the earth, not deplete it. Roots 'n Earth Family FarmRoots n Earth is our family farm. We’re a big Mexican-Jamaican Muslim family living in Oregon. We practice sustainable, ancestral gardening and love doing things with our hands like crafting and woodworking. I am Muti’ah Lennora Joyce Pierrot, as a native of St. Lucia with an ambitious mother coupled with an innovative father. I have always seen opportunity and have always been surrounded by service at an early age. I was, raised in a rural area of St. Lucia, in the town of Bexon. My grandparents were farmers and business owners, which instilled in me a hard work ethic. Becoming Muslim at the age of nineteen was my introduction to the vastness of Africa as a continent. I studied Midwifery in the countries of Senegal and South Africa, specifically in the cities of Cape Town, Johannesburg and Pretoria. During the completion of Hajj, the pilgrimage at the Kaaba in Madina, Saudia Arabia, was the catalyst to assist me in understanding my purpose. My current role as Founder and CEO of BABI-BIBS AND BLANKETS INTERNATIONAL along with Manager of the Special Collections at The Ford Motor Company Library/LRC at Tuskegee University, helped catalyze me stepping in the political race for the position of The City Tuskegee District 1 Council member. The life-long learning skills and knowledge that I have gained throughout my didactic progression continues to be the motivating factor for me to become proficient in the field of preserving the history and the legacy of the Global Village. As an educator and business owner who looks at life experience as the building block to empathy. Starting at the grass-root, local level within my district for councilperson was what came to my soul. I stepped out on faith and ran alongside two respected elder candidates who both are rooted in the community, the message that there are younger candidates that needs mentorship as our Village is growing into a new future of constant uncertain changes. I offered myself for service to my community and asked for endorsements on behalf of being the youngest political candidates for my district and the need to support our youth in all areas. My platform was based on the fundamental needs of our community
“The Win is in The Ability to Run”, is the foundation of my life. “Youth Guided & Elder Led” is the message of my campaign along with the message for our community. “A Change You Can See” is what we work on daily as a message of collaborative framework within our community. As I am fortunate enough to have a family that is active in supporting me, our work is getting done daily. Thank you to everyone who is a part of the growth in my Village and in all other communities. Mu'tiah Lennora PierrotA native of St. Lucia, Mu'tiah Lennora Pierrot also prides herself as being an educator and business women with a passion for History. She is the mother of nine children and a devoted wife who is currently running for office in Tuskegee Alabama. |
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